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Unusual gifts

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15 Oct 2008      

Has anyone seen Laika? Reward offered

GPS Technology to Find Missing Pets
10 Oct 2008      

Clone Yourself with Youdoodoll

by Alicia Rodríguez Mediavilla
"Cloning" within everyone's reach: build a replica of yourself, your pet or your girlfriend.
7 Oct 2008      

Pekoppa, The Understanding Little Plant

Don't waste money going to see a psychologist, tell your trusty
5 Sep 2008      

Functional and designer technology, the one women prefer

by Susana Navalón
Women demand their place among gadget consumers and they are asking for design... Girls know best!
5 Sep 2008      

For Girls Only: Designer Gadgets With Women In Mind

by Susana Navalón
Plenty of choices for consumer-electronics gift giving; great looks and design for advanced she-users
5 Sep 2008      

Gadgets In Pink; Market’s Hackneyed Subject

by Susana Navalón
Haven’t they realized yet that not every women like pink?
4 Sep 2008      

Giant microbes, guts stuffed animals, pixelated teddies and totally customizable plush toys

by Susana Navalón
So very odd and unusual that you are not bound to bump into them in your local village carnival or charity ruffle
4 Sep 2008      

For adults only: bloody and horrifying stuffed toys for gore, terror and fantasy fans

by Susana Navalón
Road-killed, stabbed by scissors, devoured by a shark, depicted as zombies… Who said that plush toys were corny?
4 Sep 2008      

Plush toys for kids can also be very original

by Susana Navalón
Surprise your kid turning one of his/her drawings into a teddy, celebrate with Pee & Poo that your kid says goodbye to nappies, or let your kid show off his/her Uglydolls
4 Sep 2008      

Learn how to take advantage of a plush toy

by Susana Navalón
What is a plush toy useful for? To sit down on, to carry data, to “calm” the baby and even to treat alzheimer!
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Me gusta pero no sé el precio
- Lola, 16 May 2017
saddening story of doraemon..
- prativa, 24 Jan 2017
- Luis, 21 Jan 2017
Link de vaho:
- Jose Luis, 11 Jan 2017
quiero una pulsera
- madeline, 6 Dec 2016
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